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RSRP-210755: ReSharper fails to start Unit Test Debugger

Reporter Alex Berezoutsky (fergard) Alex Berezoutsky (fergard)
Created Feb 2, 2011 2:07:24 PM
Updated Jan 13, 2012 9:15:16 PM
Resolved Jan 13, 2012 5:07:31 PM
Priority Normal
Type Task
Fix versions 6.1
State Fixed
Assignee Victor Kropp (victor.kropp)
Subsystem No subsystem
Affected versions 5.1.2
Fixed in build
It seems to happen if I:
1. start debugging a program in the solution (.exe) 2. terminate the debugger (STOP) 3. starts debugging test

To get rid of the error (which occurs every 2. time I start the test debugger after it occurs the first time), I have to restart Visual Studio.

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