Reporter |
Created | Mar 12, 2018 5:22:23 PM |
Updated | Apr 5, 2018 5:49:58 PM |
Subsystem | Unit Testing |
Assignee | Eugene Strizhok (Eugene.Strizhok) |
Priority | Show-stopper |
State | Submitted |
Type | Bug |
Fix version | 2018.1.1 |
Affected versions | 2017.3.2 |
Fixed In Version ReSharper | Undefined |
VsVersion | All Versions |
Hey guys, I am working on Selenium tests with XUnit and .NET Core 2. Whenever I run the unit tests from the ReSharper unit test explorer the tests won't ever finish even though they are successful. Anyways, it's the same in case the tests fail. The problem with that is, that since the tests will never finish I cannot close Visual Studio without killing its process. Due to this I have to use xunit.runner.visualstudio and work with Visual Studio's built-in MSTest runner. Can you pls tell me if I can do anything about that? If it is a bug can you please add this to your backlog and maybe fix it at some point in future?
Attached you can find a very simple Selenium test that is just opening Google. It's using Firefox, thus also includes the geckodriver.exe. If you want to run this test and you're getting an exception telling you that geckodriver cannot be found, add the path to the geckodriver attached temporarily to the PATH variable. Close Visual Studio and re-run the test. Then it should work.
Attached you can find a very simple Selenium test that is just opening Google. It's using Firefox, thus also includes the geckodriver.exe. If you want to run this test and you're getting an exception telling you that geckodriver cannot be found, add the path to the geckodriver attached temporarily to the PATH variable. Close Visual Studio and re-run the test. Then it should work.