Reporter |
Created | Nov 25, 2013 12:17:55 PM |
Updated | Apr 5, 2018 7:28:56 PM |
Subsystem | ASP.NET - MVC |
Assignee | Slava Trenogin (derigel) |
Priority | Normal |
State | Submitted |
Type | Feature |
Fix version | Backlog |
Affected versions | No Affected versions |
Fixed In Version ReSharper | Undefined |
VsVersion | All Versions |
I have started a project but couldn't come to an end.
here you can find the existing ones.
for example if in a controler action if a dev. adds HttpPost atrribute and doesn't adds ValidateAntiForgeryToken resharper can underline that action and an alt+enter can add the validateforgerytoken to the action and maybe to the view....
this tools every checking item should be added to the security checklist too.
here you can find the existing ones.
for example if in a controler action if a dev. adds HttpPost atrribute and doesn't adds ValidateAntiForgeryToken resharper can underline that action and an alt+enter can add the validateforgerytoken to the action and maybe to the view....
this tools every checking item should be added to the security checklist too.