Reporter |
Created | Apr 25, 2015 9:02:01 AM |
Updated | Apr 6, 2018 2:31:27 PM |
Subsystem | ReSharper Automation Tools (Command Line) |
Assignee | Evgeny Ulanov (evgeny.ulanov) |
Priority | Normal |
State | Submitted |
Type | Question |
Fix version | Backlog |
Affected versions | No Affected versions |
Fixed In Version ReSharper | Undefined |
VsVersion | All Versions |
Currently there are two types of tests
1. CommandLineToolInspectionTest compares Issues found by ReSharper with issues found by CLT
2. CommandLineToolTest compares issues with gold
I am not sure how to improve to make tests useful
Currently there are two types of tests
1. CommandLineToolInspectionTest compares Issues found by ReSharper with issues found by CLT
2. CommandLineToolTest compares issues with gold
I am not sure how to improve to make tests useful