Reporter |
Created | May 12, 2009 1:40:31 PM |
Updated | Apr 10, 2018 12:17:40 PM |
Resolved | Apr 10, 2018 12:17:34 PM |
Subsystem | Refactorings |
Assignee | Alisa Afonina (alisa.afonina) |
Priority | Major |
State | Obsolete |
Type | Bug |
Fix version | Backlog |
Affected versions | No Affected versions |
Fixed In Version ReSharper | Undefined |
VsVersion | All Versions |
Steps to reproduce:
1. Choose 'Make Method Static (Shared)' refactoring for method Func:
2. Select 'Add 'this' parameter...' option in this dialog.
Wrong result: suggested parameter name with @-symbol (C#) ('@class') and with square brackets (VB) ('[class]') isn't valid.
It whould be better to suggest name without @-symbol and square brackets ('class') in this case or conside such name as a valid name.
1. Choose 'Make Method Static (Shared)' refactoring for method Func:
class SomeClassVB:
void F(){}
Class SomeClassCorresponding dialog appears:
Sub Func()
End Sub
End Class
2. Select 'Add 'this' parameter...' option in this dialog.
Wrong result: suggested parameter name with @-symbol (C#) ('@class') and with square brackets (VB) ('[class]') isn't valid.
It whould be better to suggest name without @-symbol and square brackets ('class') in this case or conside such name as a valid name.