Reporter |
Created | Feb 16, 2018 3:48:24 AM |
Updated | Apr 10, 2018 6:42:58 PM |
Subsystem | No Subsystem |
Assignee | Unassigned |
Priority | Normal |
State | Waiting for Info |
Type | Performance Problem |
Fix version | No Fix versions |
Affected versions | 2017.3.2 |
Fixed In Version ReSharper | Undefined |
VsVersion | VS 2017 RTM, VS 2015 RTM |
ReSharper will eat 1.2GB memory from Visual Studio IDE. As we know that VS2017 is 32bit exe which means only have up to 4GB memory. ReSharper use 1.2GB of it. This make VS IDE very unresponsive. Please find attached screenshot after I build my solution that contains 173 project.
Normally, when I start VS2017, ReSharper will use around 600MB memory, then this memory usage rise up to around 1.2GB. Especially, when I build solution, ReShaper will do a 'Processing assemblies...' thing every time after build complete. This process make VS2017 IDE very slow and unresponsive.
1. Will you move ReSharper out of VS2017 IDE process. Make ReSharper run in its own process ?
2. Or will you be able to move 'Processing assemblies' out of VS2017 IDE process ?
3. Will you be able to reduce ReSharper memory usage ?
My memory snapshot is more than 400MB which exceed upload limitation of YouTrack.
Normally, when I start VS2017, ReSharper will use around 600MB memory, then this memory usage rise up to around 1.2GB. Especially, when I build solution, ReShaper will do a 'Processing assemblies...' thing every time after build complete. This process make VS2017 IDE very slow and unresponsive.
1. Will you move ReSharper out of VS2017 IDE process. Make ReSharper run in its own process ?
2. Or will you be able to move 'Processing assemblies' out of VS2017 IDE process ?
3. Will you be able to reduce ReSharper memory usage ?
My memory snapshot is more than 400MB which exceed upload limitation of YouTrack.