Reporter |
Created | Feb 20, 2008 7:25:43 PM |
Updated | Apr 13, 2018 6:19:50 PM |
Subsystem | IntelliSense (Code Completion) |
Assignee | Alexander Shvedov (shvedov) |
Priority | Normal |
State | Open |
Type | Feature |
Fix version | Backlog |
Affected versions | No Affected versions |
Fixed In Version ReSharper | Undefined |
VsVersion | All Versions |
I don't really like Eclipse, but there is one feature (stolen from VI(m)) that is missing from Visual Studio all versions.
It's easy for you to implement in Resharper. This is Word Complete (comes from VI Control+N as far as i know)
Description of feature: This is not smart, not type-aware not intelligent word completion. It's raw text based stuff.
1) First take all opened buffers (opened documents) and parse all the words from them (simple regex i guess)
2) Complete word at caret.
3) If i call action again go to next match and so on, cycle(wrap around) through results!! Check eclipse ALT+/ for a good implementation.
Why is it so cool ? It's lightning fast! No background compilation. No smart nothing, just text based completion. And what is very important is that the order of suggestions depend on how far the suggested word is from the word at caret.
app<ACTION!> apples will be suggested first, then apple then apples again.
It's easy for you to implement in Resharper. This is Word Complete (comes from VI Control+N as far as i know)
Description of feature: This is not smart, not type-aware not intelligent word completion. It's raw text based stuff.
1) First take all opened buffers (opened documents) and parse all the words from them (simple regex i guess)
2) Complete word at caret.
3) If i call action again go to next match and so on, cycle(wrap around) through results!! Check eclipse ALT+/ for a good implementation.
Why is it so cool ? It's lightning fast! No background compilation. No smart nothing, just text based completion. And what is very important is that the order of suggestions depend on how far the suggested word is from the word at caret.
app<ACTION!> apples will be suggested first, then apple then apples again.