Reporter |
Created | Apr 3, 2013 12:46:08 PM |
Updated | Apr 19, 2018 12:36:20 PM |
Subsystem | Unit Testing |
Assignee | Eugene Strizhok (Eugene.Strizhok) |
Priority | Normal |
State | Submitted |
Type | Bug |
Fix version | Backlog |
Affected versions | 2017.3 |
Fixed In Version ReSharper | Undefined |
VsVersion | All Versions |
I have attached a solution which contains an example using both NUnit and MSTests.
From my testing, using either 7.1.1 or 7.1.2, the R# test runner fails using either NUnit or MSTest, the same error.
I downloaded the 7.1.3 beta, which works when using the R# in MSTest mode, but NUnit fails with the previous error.
Visual Studio test runner runs on all version (though I need to install the NUnit Test adapter VS extension, but I think that's beside the point).
In the UnitTest1.cs file, there's a #define statement that will let you switch between NUnit and MSTest.
From my testing, using either 7.1.1 or 7.1.2, the R# test runner fails using either NUnit or MSTest, the same error.
I downloaded the 7.1.3 beta, which works when using the R# in MSTest mode, but NUnit fails with the previous error.
Visual Studio test runner runs on all version (though I need to install the NUnit Test adapter VS extension, but I think that's beside the point).
In the UnitTest1.cs file, there's a #define statement that will let you switch between NUnit and MSTest.
Microsoft.QualityTools.Testing.Fakes.UnitTestIsolation.UnitTestIsolationException : UnitTestIsolation instrumentation failed to initialize. Please restart Visual Studio and rerun this test