Channel: YouTrackReSharper (RSRP) - Bug and Issue Tracker
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RSRP-329289: Invalid Cast in Convert to Linq Sum

Reporter Brian (O.E) Brian (O.E)
Created Aug 17, 2012 8:31:11 PM
Updated Apr 17, 2018 7:02:08 PM
Subsystem Code Analysis - Linq Tools
Assignee Alisa Afonina (alisa.afonina)
Priority Normal
State Submitted
Type Bug
Fix version Backlog
Affected versions 2018.1, 6.1
Fixed In Version ReSharper Undefined
VsVersion All Versions
foreach (int c in "12345")
demo +=c;

int demo = "12345".Sum(c => (int)c);

int demo = "12345".Cast<int>().Sum();
//Runtime Error: Specified cast is not valid

Int is a representation-changing conversion

RSRP-329083: Extract Class not available from selection

Reporter Dmitri Nesteruk (dnesteruk) Dmitri Nesteruk (dnesteruk)
Created Aug 8, 2012 2:21:50 PM
Updated Apr 17, 2018 7:05:01 PM
Subsystem Refactorings
Assignee Alisa Afonina (alisa.afonina)
Priority Major
State Submitted
Type Unspecified
Fix version No Fix versions
Affected versions No Affected versions
Fixed In Version ReSharper Undefined
VsVersion VS 2012 RTM U2
The Extract Class refactoring is not available from a selection in a C# project in VS2012RTM. Ctrl-Shift-R does not work at all, and when opening the Refactoring menu, no item is available.

RSRP-329528: R# strangely placed closing bracket (2 cases)

Reporter Anton Lobov (Anton.Lobov) Anton Lobov (Anton.Lobov)
Created Aug 28, 2012 5:34:41 PM
Updated Apr 17, 2018 7:14:59 PM
Subsystem Matching Elements
Assignee Alisa Afonina (alisa.afonina)
Priority Normal
State Submitted
Type Bug
Fix version Backlog
Affected versions 2018.1, 7.0.1
Fixed In Version ReSharper Undefined
VsVersion All Versions
Case No. 1.

case1.png for original code.

I moved caret after "(", typed "() => {", and R# automatically inserted bracket just before comma, wrapping the second argument into braces (surprise) - see case1_br.png.
I'm not sure if it is wrong, but it seems to be counter-intuitive.

Case No. 2.

case2.png for original code
Bracket was inserted not inside brace, but after it - case2_br.png.

RSRP-66883: Automatically set reformatting options based on code

Reporter Gerrod Thomas (gerrod) Gerrod Thomas (gerrod)
Created Apr 30, 2008 1:55:20 PM
Updated Apr 17, 2018 7:37:54 PM
Subsystem Code Style - Cleanup
Assignee Dmitry Osinovsky (Dmitry.Osinovsky)
Priority Major
State Open
Type Feature
Fix version Backlog
Affected versions No Affected versions
Fixed In Version ReSharper Undefined
VsVersion All Versions
One of the greatest features of ReSharper is the ability to be able to define the code layout so precisely; however, it's quite time consuming to do so, and some of the options aren't always obvious.

It would be great if I could tell ReSharper to inspect the current file/project/solution/etc and have it work out most of the reformatting options based on the way I'm already coding!

RSRP-469300: The Reentarncy Guard deferred actions queue on thread :1 has reached the size of 8 192 items.

Reporter Sergey Kuks (coox) Sergey Kuks (coox)
Created Apr 17, 2018 9:07:54 PM
Updated Apr 17, 2018 9:11:44 PM
Subsystem Solution Wide Error Analysis (SWEA)
Assignee Dmitry Ivanov (daivanov)
Priority Show-stopper
State Submitted
Type Exception
Fix version 2018.1.1
Affected versions No Affected versions
Fixed In Version ReSharper Undefined
VsVersion All Versions
ReSharperPlatformVs15 Wave 12 Hive _2e4ec319 — JetBrains ReSharper Ultimate 2018.1 EAP 10 D Build 112.0.20180416.165459-eap10d

JetBrains dotCover 2018.1 EAP 10 D Build 2018.1.20180416.170906-eap10d
JetBrains dotMemory 2018.1 EAP 10 D Build 2018.1.20180416.210959-eap10d
JetBrains dotTrace 2018.1 EAP 10 D Build 2018.1.20180416.211009-eap10d
JetBrains ReSharper 2018.1 EAP 10 D Build 2018.1.20180416.171244-eap10d
JetBrains ReSharper C++ 2018.1 EAP 10 D Build 2018.1.20180416.210109-eap10d
JetBrains TeamCity Add-in 2018.1 EAP 10 D Build 2018.1.20180416.210214-eap10d

SubProducts.0 = JetBrains dotCover 2018.1 EAP 10 D Build 2018.1.20180416.170906-eap10d
SubProducts.1 = JetBrains dotTrace 2018.1 EAP 10 D Build 2018.1.20180416.211009-eap10d
SubProducts.2 = JetBrains ReSharper C++ 2018.1 EAP 10 D Build 2018.1.20180416.210109-eap10d
SubProducts.3 = JetBrains TeamCity Add-in 2018.1 EAP 10 D Build 2018.1.20180416.210214-eap10d
SubProducts.4 = JetBrains ReSharper 2018.1 EAP 10 D Build 2018.1.20180416.171244-eap10d
SubProducts.5 = JetBrains dotMemory 2018.1 EAP 10 D Build 2018.1.20180416.210959-eap10d
LastExtension = cs

The Reentarncy Guard deferred actions queue on thread :1 has reached the size of 24 576 items.

— EXCEPTION #1/2 [InvalidOperationException]
Message = “The Reentarncy Guard deferred actions queue on thread :1 has reached the size of 24 576 items.”
ExceptionPath = Root.InnerException
ClassName = System.InvalidOperationException
Data.QueueSizeReportThreshold = 8 192
Data.QueueSize = 24 576
Data.TopTenQueueOccupants.#0 = “SAIW.ChangeState (24 570)”
Data.TopTenQueueOccupants.#1 = “ExceptionManager.ProcessChange (2)”
Data.TopTenQueueOccupants.#2 = “ExceptionManager.StoreAddedException (1)”
Data.TopTenQueueOccupants.#3 = “SessionsCollection.OnFileTrackerSignal (1)”
Data.TopTenQueueOccupants.#4 = “Update documents by path (1)”
Data.TopTenQueueOccupants.#5 = “ECP.SpawnProcessExternalChangeActivity (1)”

— Outer —

— EXCEPTION #2/2 [LoggerException]
Message = “The Reentarncy Guard deferred actions queue on thread :1 has reached the size of 24 576 items.”
ExceptionPath = Root
ClassName = JetBrains.Util.LoggerException
Data.ManagedThreadName = DaemonThread
Data.SccRevisionShell = “<there are no packages matching the criteria>”
Data.HostProductInfo = “JetBrains ReSharper Ultimate 2018.1 EAP 10 D Build 112.0.20180416.165459-eap10d”
Data.SubProducts.#0 = “JetBrains dotCover 2018.1 EAP 10 D Build 2018.1.20180416.170906-eap10d”
Data.SubProducts.#1 = “JetBrains dotTrace 2018.1 EAP 10 D Build 2018.1.20180416.211009-eap10d”
Data.SubProducts.#2 = “JetBrains ReSharper C++ 2018.1 EAP 10 D Build 2018.1.20180416.210109-eap10d”
Data.SubProducts.#3 = “JetBrains TeamCity Add-in 2018.1 EAP 10 D Build 2018.1.20180416.210214-eap10d”
Data.SubProducts.#4 = “JetBrains ReSharper 2018.1 EAP 10 D Build 2018.1.20180416.171244-eap10d”
Data.SubProducts.#5 = “JetBrains dotMemory 2018.1 EAP 10 D Build 2018.1.20180416.210959-eap10d”
Data.SccRevisionEnv = “


Data.VsVersion = 15.6.27428.2037
InnerException = “Exception #1 at Root.InnerException”
HResult = COR_E_APPLICATION=80131600
StackTraceString = “
 at JetBrains.Threading.ReentrancyGuard.ReportOversizedQueue()
 at JetBrains.Threading.ReentrancyGuard.ReportOversizedQueue()
 at JetBrains.Threading.ReentrancyGuard.Queue(String name, Action action, TaskPriority priority)
 at JetBrains.Threading.ReentrancyGuardEx.<>c__DisplayClass0_1.<Queue>b__0(LifetimeDefinition definition, Lifetime lifetimeOnQueue)
 at JetBrains.DataFlow.Lifetimes.Define(Lifetime lifetime, String id, Action`2 FAtomic, ILog logger)
 at JetBrains.Threading.ReentrancyGuardEx.Queue(ReentrancyGuard thіs, Lifetime lifetime, String name, Action F)
 at JetBrains.Threading.ReentrancyGuardEx.ExecuteOrQueue(ReentrancyGuard thіs, Lifetime lifetime, String name, Action F, TaskPriority priority)
 at JetBrains.Application.Threading.IThreadingEx.ExecuteOrQueue(IThreading thіs, Lifetime lifetime, String name, Action action)
 at JetBrains.PsiFeatures.UIInteractive.SolutionAnalysis.View.Indicator.SolutionAnalysisIndicatorWrapper.ChangeState(Action action, Boolean isIdle, Boolean delay)
 at JetBrains.PsiFeatures.UIInteractive.SolutionAnalysis.View.Indicator.SolutionAnalysisIndicatorWrapper.AnalyzingFile(IPsiSourceFile file)
 at JetBrains.ReSharper.Daemon.SolutionAnalysis.SolutionAnalysisServiceImpl.AnalyzeInvisibleFile(IPsiSourceFile file)
 at JetBrains.ReSharper.Daemon.Impl.DaemonImpl.<>c__DisplayClass66_0.<InvisibleDocumentsAnalysisJob>b__0()
 at JetBrains.Application.Threading.Tasks.TaskHost.AccessViolationCatcher(Action action)
 at JetBrains.Application.Threading.Tasks.TaskHost.<>c__DisplayClass33_0.<Create>b__1(Object state)
 at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.InnerInvoke()
 at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.Execute()
 at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.ExecutionContextCallback(Object obj)
 at System.Threading.ExecutionContext.RunInternal(ExecutionContext executionContext, ContextCallback callback, Object state, Boolean preserveSyncCtx)
 at System.Threading.ExecutionContext.Run(ExecutionContext executionContext, ContextCallback callback, Object state, Boolean preserveSyncCtx)
 at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.ExecuteWithThreadLocal(Task& currentTaskSlot)
 at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.ExecuteEntry(Boolean bPreventDoubleExecution)
 at System.Threading.Tasks.TaskScheduler.TryExecuteTask(Task task)
 at JetBrains.Application.Threading.Tasks.SingleThreadExecutorView.InternalExecute(Task task)
 at JetBrains.Application.Threading.Tasks.SingleThreadExecutorView.ThreadProc()
 at System.Threading.ThreadHelper.ThreadStart_Context(Object state)
 at System.Threading.ExecutionContext.RunInternal(ExecutionContext executionContext, ContextCallback callback, Object state, Boolean preserveSyncCtx)
 at System.Threading.ExecutionContext.Run(ExecutionContext executionContext, ContextCallback callback, Object state, Boolean preserveSyncCtx)
 at System.Threading.ExecutionContext.Run(ExecutionContext executionContext, ContextCallback callback, Object state)
 at System.Threading.ThreadHelper.ThreadStart()

RSRP-469301: Unit Tests Inconclusive

Reporter Bradley Uffner (bradley.uffner) Bradley Uffner (bradley.uffner)
Created Apr 17, 2018 9:29:23 PM
Updated Apr 17, 2018 9:34:17 PM
Subsystem Unit Testing
Assignee Eugene Strizhok (Eugene.Strizhok)
Priority Normal
State Submitted
Type Bug
Fix version No Fix versions
Affected versions 2018.1
Fixed In Version ReSharper Undefined
VsVersion VS 2017 RTM

I have been getting strange results since upgrading to ReSharper 2018.1 in Visual Studio 15.6.5.

The Unit Test Sessions will randomly report an "Inconclusive" test result for all unit tests. I will have to repeatedly run the unit tests multiple times in order to get them to run correctly. I haven't yet found a reproducible trigger for this behavior.

Output Window for "Tests" just shows:
[4/17/2018 7:10:49 AM Informational] ------ Load Playlist started ------
[4/17/2018 7:10:49 AM Informational] ========== Load Playlist finished (0:00:00.0979608) ==========
[4/17/2018 11:21:53 AM Informational] ------ Load Playlist started ------
[4/17/2018 11:21:53 AM Informational] ========== Load Playlist finished (0:00:00.001) ==========
[4/17/2018 12:40:35 PM Informational] ------ Load Playlist started ------
[4/17/2018 12:40:35 PM Informational] ========== Load Playlist finished (0:00:00) ==========
[4/17/2018 12:41:20 PM Informational] ------ Load Playlist started ------
[4/17/2018 12:41:20 PM Informational] ========== Load Playlist finished (0:00:00.0010001) ==========

Output from Build shows:
Build with surface heuristics started at 14:23:12
Use build tool: C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2017\Professional\MSBuild\15.0\Bin\MSBuild.exe
Build completed in 00:00:01.158

RSRP-469302: LoggerException on start of xunit tests

Reporter Martin Demberger (MartinDemberger) Martin Demberger (MartinDemberger)
Created Apr 17, 2018 9:40:03 PM
Updated Apr 17, 2018 9:40:03 PM
Subsystem Unit Testing
Assignee Eugene Strizhok (Eugene.Strizhok)
Priority Normal
State Submitted
Type Bug
Fix version No Fix versions
Affected versions 2018.1
Fixed In Version ReSharper Undefined
VsVersion All Versions
2018.04.17 20:26:29.166 ERROR Transition failed: Transition from state <HandShake> on event <remote::.ProtocolVersion>. Cause: System.InvalidOperationException: Test-cases are missing for the selected tests. Rebuild the project and try again. at JetBrains.ReSharper.UnitTestFramework.DotNetCore.DotNetVsTest.DotNetVsTestExecution.SendGetProcessStartInfo() at Appccelerate.StateMachine.Machine.ActionHolders.ArgumentLessActionHolder.Execute(Object argument) at Appccelerate.StateMachine.Machine.States.State2.ExecuteEntryAction(IActionHolder actionHolder, ITransitionContext2 context)

— EXCEPTION #1/1 [LoggerException]
Message = “
Transition failed: Transition from state <HandShake> on event <remote::.ProtocolVersion>.
Cause: System.InvalidOperationException: Test-cases are missing for the selected tests. Rebuild the project and try again.
 at JetBrains.ReSharper.UnitTestFramework.DotNetCore.DotNetVsTest.DotNetVsTestExecution.SendGetProcessStartInfo()
 at JetBrains.ReSharper.UnitTestFramework.DotNetCore.DotNetVsTest.DotNetVsTestExecution.SendGetProcessStartInfo()
 at Appccelerate.StateMachine.Machine.ActionHolders.ArgumentLessActionHolder.Execute(Object argument)
 at Appccelerate.StateMachine.Machine.States.State`2.ExecuteEntryAction(IActionHolder actionHolder, ITransitionContext`2 context)

ExceptionPath = Root
ClassName = JetBrains.Util.LoggerException
HResult = COR_E_APPLICATION=80131600
StackTraceString = “
 at JetBrains.ReSharper.UnitTestFramework.DotNetCore.DotNetVsTest.DotNetVsTestProtocol.<.ctor>b__22_14(Object sender, TransitionExceptionEventArgs`2 args)
 at JetBrains.ReSharper.UnitTestFramework.DotNetCore.DotNetVsTest.DotNetVsTestProtocol.<.ctor>b__22_14(Object sender, TransitionExceptionEventArgs`2 args)
 at Appccelerate.StateMachine.Machine.StateMachine`2.RaiseEvent[T](EventHandler`1 eventHandler, T arguments, ITransitionContext`2 context, Boolean raiseEventOnException)
 at Appccelerate.StateMachine.Machine.StateMachine`2.OnExceptionThrown(ITransitionContext`2 context, Exception exception)
 at Appccelerate.StateMachine.Machine.Contexts.TransitionContext`2.OnExceptionThrown(Exception exception)
 at Appccelerate.StateMachine.Machine.States.State`2.HandleException(Exception exception, ITransitionContext`2 context)
 at Appccelerate.StateMachine.Machine.States.State`2.HandleEntryActionException(ITransitionContext`2 context, Exception exception)
 at Appccelerate.StateMachine.Machine.States.State`2.ExecuteEntryAction(IActionHolder actionHolder, ITransitionContext`2 context)
 at Appccelerate.StateMachine.Machine.States.State`2.ExecuteEntryActions(ITransitionContext`2 context)
 at Appccelerate.StateMachine.Machine.States.State`2.Entry(ITransitionContext`2 context)
 at Appccelerate.StateMachine.Machine.States.State`2.EnterShallow(ITransitionContext`2 context)
 at Appccelerate.StateMachine.Machine.States.State`2.EnterHistoryNone(ITransitionContext`2 context)
 at Appccelerate.StateMachine.Machine.States.State`2.EnterByHistory(ITransitionContext`2 context)
 at Appccelerate.StateMachine.Machine.Transitions.Transition`2.Fire(ITransitionContext`2 context)
 at Appccelerate.StateMachine.Machine.States.State`2.Fire(ITransitionContext`2 context)
 at Appccelerate.StateMachine.Machine.StateMachine`2.Fire(TEvent eventId, Object eventArgument)
 at Appccelerate.StateMachine.ActiveStateMachine`2.ProcessEventQueue(CancellationToken cancellationToken)
 at Appccelerate.StateMachine.ActiveStateMachine`2.<Start>b__32_0()
 at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.InnerInvoke()
 at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.Execute()
 at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.ExecutionContextCallback(Object obj)
 at System.Threading.ExecutionContext.RunInternal(ExecutionContext executionContext, ContextCallback callback, Object state, Boolean preserveSyncCtx)
 at System.Threading.ExecutionContext.Run(ExecutionContext executionContext, ContextCallback callback, Object state, Boolean preserveSyncCtx)
 at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.ExecuteWithThreadLocal(Task& currentTaskSlot)
 at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.ExecuteEntry(Boolean bPreventDoubleExecution)
 at System.Threading.Tasks.ThreadPoolTaskScheduler.LongRunningThreadWork(Object obj)
 at System.Threading.ThreadHelper.ThreadStart_Context(Object state)
 at System.Threading.ExecutionContext.RunInternal(ExecutionContext executionContext, ContextCallback callback, Object state, Boolean preserveSyncCtx)
 at System.Threading.ExecutionContext.Run(ExecutionContext executionContext, ContextCallback callback, Object state, Boolean preserveSyncCtx)
 at System.Threading.ExecutionContext.Run(ExecutionContext executionContext, ContextCallback callback, Object state)
 at System.Threading.ThreadHelper.ThreadStart(Object obj)

2018.04.17 20:26:29.243 WARN Element RootNine.Project.Tests.BusinessLogic.ProjectManagerImportEstimationTest was left pending after its run completion.
2018.04.17 20:26:29.246 WARN Element RootNine.Project.Tests.BusinessLogic.ProjectManagerImportEstimationTest.TestImportItem was left pending after its run completion.
2018.04.17 20:26:29.246 WARN Element RootNine.Project.Tests.BusinessLogic.ProjectManagerImportEstimationTest.TestImport was left pending after its run completion.

RSRP-469303: [Performance Report] VS2017 eating 60% CPU without known reason

Reporter Carsten Schuette (carstenschuette) Carsten Schuette (carstenschuette)
Created Apr 17, 2018 10:51:52 PM
Updated Apr 17, 2018 10:51:53 PM
Subsystem No Subsystem
Assignee Sergey Kuks (coox)
Priority Show-stopper
State Open
Type Performance Problem
Fix version 2018.1
Affected versions No Affected versions
Fixed In Version ReSharper Undefined
VsVersion All Versions
Evaluator: False
OS Version: Microsoft Windows NT 10.0.17133.0
Product: dotCover, Version: 2018.1.20180414.124358
Product: dotTrace, Version: 2018.1.20180414.71711
Product: ReSharperCpp, Version: 2018.1.20180414.71543
Product: teamCityAddin, Version: 2018.1.20180414.71540
Product: ReSharper, Version: 2018.1.20180414.71556
Product: dotMemory, Version: 2018.1.20180414.71710
Time Zone: Mitteleuropäische Zeit


RSRP-467251: ReSharper fails to install plugins

Reporter Vitaliy K (shatl2) Vitaliy K (shatl2)
Created Nov 28, 2017 6:13:37 AM
Updated Apr 17, 2018 11:21:02 PM
Subsystem Installation
Assignee Serge Baltic (baltic)
Priority Normal
State Submitted
Type Bug
Fix version No Fix versions
Affected versions No Affected versions
Fixed In Version ReSharper Undefined
VsVersion All Versions
R# fails to install plugins

RSRP-469101: Missing Auto-completion with XAML OnPlatform

Reporter Alessandro Babboni (aledigitale) Alessandro Babboni (aledigitale)
Created Apr 5, 2018 11:30:13 AM
Updated Apr 18, 2018 12:15:18 AM
Subsystem IntelliSense (Code Completion)
Assignee Alexander Shvedov (shvedov)
Priority Normal
State Submitted
Type Bug
Fix version No Fix versions
Affected versions 2017.3.3, 2017.3.5, 2018.1.1, 2017.2.1, 2017.2.2
Fixed In Version ReSharper Undefined
VsVersion VS 2017 15.3

ReSharper gives no auto-completion nor any suggestion for the element OnPlatform
( on the 7th line of code):

<ContentPage xmlns="http://xamarin.com/schemas/2014/forms"
                <OnPlatform x:TypeArguments="x:String"
                            iOS="Running on iOS"
                            Android="Running on Android">

RSRP-466994: Solution-wide analysis fails to find referenced projects if the project Guid isn't upper-case

Reporter Kayla Nimis (kaylanimis) Kayla Nimis (kaylanimis)
Created Nov 10, 2017 6:47:40 PM
Updated Apr 18, 2018 6:46:23 AM
Subsystem Solution Wide Error Analysis (SWEA)
Assignee Dmitry Ivanov (daivanov)
Priority Normal
State Submitted
Type Bug
Fix version No Fix versions
Affected versions No Affected versions
Fixed In Version ReSharper Undefined
VsVersion All Versions
I have solutions with a large number of projects, and a few were added with a lower case guid project id. Solution-wide analysis reports references to those projects being missing.

For example:
<ProjectReference Include="....\Shared\G1.Accounts.Interface\G1.Accounts.Interface.csproj">
<ProjectReference Include="....\Shared\G1.Accounts.Utilities\G1.Accounts.Utilities.csproj">

Shows an error here: using G1.Accounts.Utilities;

MSBuild & Resharper Build both build and launch the application correctly, but solution-wide analysis remains broken until I remove and add the references again (capitalizing the project id as a result). I'm not sure why the mixing of lower and upper case project ids is happening, but VS seems to handle it just fine.

RSRP-332623: ReSharper forgets that types exist, shows spurious errors in solution-wide analysis

Reporter Joe White (joewhite) Joe White (joewhite)
Created Oct 22, 2012 6:29:28 PM
Updated Apr 18, 2018 6:53:24 AM
Resolved Mar 20, 2014 1:40:43 PM
Subsystem Solution Wide Error Analysis (SWEA)
Assignee Kirill Falk (kfalk)
Priority Show-stopper
State Fixed
Type Bug
Fix version 8.2
Affected versions 7.1 EAP, 6.1, 6.1.1, 7.0, 7.0.1
Fixed In Version ReSharper Undefined
VsVersion All Versions
Every now and then, after Visual Studio has reloaded a bunch of projects (e.g. after I've gotten latest code from version control), ReSharper will forget everything it knows about some of my types, and will report errors on any code that refers to members of those types. This is a long-standing problem; it's been around for several major versions, at least. It's not reproducible on demand, but it happens about once every week or two, under normal usage.

Clicking the "Reanalyze files with errors" toolbar button (in the "Errors in Solution" window) has no effect when it gets into this state.

It's in this state this morning. Here are a couple examples of the "problems" it's reporting:

  • Class X declares a field of type Y. The field declaration (private Y _y;) is fine, and shows up with no errors. However, everyplace X refers to _y.Something, ReSharper shows the Something in red, and reports "Cannot resolve symbol 'Something'." So it knows class Y exists, but it doesn't think there's anything in it.
  • Sometimes this even happens when class X and class Y are declared in the same file.
  • It also regularly complains about static methods, constructors, etc. Basically anything that refers to members of a type that it's confused about.
  • If I try to use Navigate To Type to go to type Y, ReSharper acts like there is no such type; it says "No types found in solution". (So it knows the type is valid for field declarations, but not for navigation. Huh?)

If all the errors refer to a single type, sometimes I can fix them by navigating to the type it's forgotten about (and obviously I can't use ReSharper to navigate to it, unless I remember the filename and use Go To File) and make a trivial edit to the type. (I usually add a space in the middle of the class name, wait a couple seconds for it to realize that everything is non-compilable, then undo the change.) Then ReSharper re-parses the file, recognizes the type, and everything's fine... for that error. When ReSharper gets into this state, sometimes fixing an error will cause two more to appear.

Another fix is to close Visual Studio and reopen it. But that takes several minutes due to the size of our solution, so I prefer to avoid it when I can.

Please fix it so it stops getting into this bad state!

RSRP-465184: TypeScript: tests are not found in Unit Test Runner

Reporter Vladimir Belov (Vladimir.Belov) Vladimir Belov (Vladimir.Belov)
Created Jun 22, 2017 7:10:53 PM
Updated Apr 18, 2018 8:56:31 AM
Subsystem TypeScript
Assignee Vladimir Belov (Vladimir.Belov)
Priority Critical
State In Progress
Type Bug
Fix version No Fix versions
Affected versions 2017.1.2, 2017.1.1, 2017.1
Fixed In Version ReSharper Undefined
VsVersion All Versions
1. Create TypeScript project in VS 2017
2. Install Nuget packages for Jasmine
3. Install packages required by modularity support: SystemJS, RequireJS or others
4. Add following files:


"compilerOptions": {
"module": "system" /* Try to change: "commonjs", "amd", "umd", "es2015" */

export class App {
getTrue() {
return true;

import { App } from ‘../src/app’;

describe("suite", () => {
it("test", () => {
var app = new App();

When tests are runned, Jasmine shows "no specs found" and R#-tests are cancelled by timeout.

RSRP-469304: using static does not work for Razor files when placed in _ViewImports

Reporter Samuel Jack (sam.1) Samuel Jack (sam.1)
Created Apr 18, 2018 11:40:31 AM
Updated Apr 18, 2018 11:40:31 AM
Subsystem ASP.NET - Razor
Assignee Slava Trenogin (derigel)
Priority Normal
State Submitted
Type Bug
Fix version No Fix versions
Affected versions No Affected versions
Fixed In Version ReSharper Undefined
VsVersion VS 2017 RTM

RSRP-468878 enabled Resharper to correctly handle calls to static methods when a @using static directive was placed in individual Razor files.

Razor itself allows that @using static directive to be moved into _ViewImports so that is only needed once. Resharper still does not seem to handle this case.

RSRP-469305: constructor is never used

Reporter Marcin Smółka (msmolka) Marcin Smółka (msmolka)
Created Apr 18, 2018 11:41:34 AM
Updated Apr 18, 2018 11:41:34 AM
Subsystem Code Analysis
Assignee Ivan Serduk (IvanSerduk)
Priority Normal
State Submitted
Type Bug
Fix version No Fix versions
Affected versions 2018.1
Fixed In Version ReSharper Undefined
VsVersion VS 2017 15.3

I have constructor with parameter used by Activator and DI. Resharper suggest it is not used:
Constructor never used, even if there is base class that requires parameterless constructor.

 public ExportDefinitionRepository(IUnitOfWork unitOfWork) : base(unitOfWork)

RSRP-468710: Visual Studio 15.6.2 hangs during solution NuGet update

Reporter Stefan Seiffarth (seiffarth@extedo.com) Stefan Seiffarth (seiffarth@extedo.com)
Created Mar 16, 2018 10:15:35 AM
Updated Apr 18, 2018 11:50:44 AM
Subsystem Platform - VS Integration
Assignee Sergey Kuks (coox)
Priority Show-stopper
State Waiting for Info
Type Performance Problem
Fix version 2018.1
Affected versions No Affected versions
Fixed In Version ReSharper Undefined
VsVersion All Versions
With the attached repro solution, Visual Studio 15.6.2 hangs if I select the solution wide NuGet update after a few seconds. If i disable Resharper in the Extensions menu everything works fine.

Steps to repro:
1. Unpack Repro
2. Open Repro.sln
3. Select solution-wide NuGet update and select Include pre-release
4. Select All Updates
5. Press Update
6. Wait for the hang to happen

RSRP-469306: Replace Anonymous Type: class name with dots considered valid.

Reporter Lilia Shamsutdinova (Lilia.Shamsutdinova) Lilia Shamsutdinova (Lilia.Shamsutdinova)
Created Apr 18, 2018 12:03:02 PM
Updated Apr 18, 2018 12:03:02 PM
Subsystem Refactorings
Assignee Alisa Afonina (alisa.afonina)
Priority Normal
State Submitted
Type Bug
Fix version Backlog
Affected versions 2018.2, 2018.1
Fixed In Version ReSharper Undefined
VsVersion All Versions

JetBrains ReSharper Ultimate 182.0.20180416.132916-eap00d.

    internal class Book
        public string Author { get; set; }
        public string Title { get; set; }

    public class ConvertAnonymousToNamedType
        private string Test(List<Book> books)
            var bookList = from book in books
                select new { book.Author, book.Title };

            var bookNew = bookList.ToList().FirstOrDefault(book => book.Author == "King");
            return bookNew?.Author;
  1. Invoke Refactor This -> Replace Anonymous Type With Named Class on new in new { book.Author, book.Title }.
  2. Set "T.T" as Name.

Actual result:
No error message. Name considered valid.

Expected result:
"Identifier is not valid" error message is shown.

If proceed with name "T.T" then class "T" is created.

RSRP-468856: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.

Reporter Lilia Shamsutdinova (Lilia.Shamsutdinova) Lilia Shamsutdinova (Lilia.Shamsutdinova)
Created Mar 26, 2018 11:53:37 AM
Updated Apr 18, 2018 12:11:41 PM
Resolved Apr 18, 2018 12:11:41 PM
Subsystem Refactorings
Assignee Alisa Afonina (alisa.afonina)
Priority Critical
State Duplicate
Type Exception
Fix version 2018.2
Affected versions 2018.1
Fixed In Version ReSharper Undefined
VsVersion All Versions
ReSharperPlatformVs15 Wave 12 Hive _3f3919c0 — JetBrains ReSharper Ultimate 2018.1 EAP 4 D Build 112.0.20180322.104208-eap04d

JetBrains dotCover 2018.1 EAP 4 D Build 2018.1.20180322.111944-eap04d
JetBrains dotMemory 2018.1 EAP 4 D Build 2018.1.20180322.111934-eap04d
JetBrains dotTrace 2018.1 EAP 4 D Build 2018.1.20180322.112018-eap04d
JetBrains ReSharper 2018.1 EAP 4 D Build 2018.1.20180322.105258-eap04d
JetBrains ReSharper C++ 2018.1 EAP 4 D Build 2018.1.20180322.122542-eap04d
JetBrains TeamCity Add-in 2018.1 EAP 4 D Build 2018.1.20180322.105304-eap04d

Object reference not set to an instance of an object.

— EXCEPTION #1/2 [NullReferenceException]
Message = “Object reference not set to an instance of an object.”
ExceptionPath = Root.InnerException
ClassName = System.NullReferenceException
Source = JetBrains.ReSharper.Refactorings.CSharp
StackTraceString = “
 at JetBrains.ReSharper.Refactorings.CSharp.Indexer2Function.CsIndexer2Function.AreEquals(String name1, String name2)
 at JetBrains.ReSharper.Refactorings.CSharp.Indexer2Function.CsIndexer2Function.AreEquals(String name1, String name2)
 at JetBrains.ReSharper.Refactorings.CSharp.Indexer2Function.CsIndexer2Function.CheckConflictWithClassName(ITypeElement element)
 at JetBrains.ReSharper.Refactorings.Convert.ConvertMemberCommon.ConvertBase`2.SearchConflicts(IDeclaredElement convertedDeclaredElement, IProgressIndicator pi)
 at JetBrains.ReSharper.Refactorings.Convert.ConvertMemberCommon.ConvertRefactoring`2.SearchConflictInDeclaration(IConvertRefactoring exec, IOverridableMember member, IProgressIndicator pi)
 at JetBrains.ReSharper.Refactorings.Convert.ConvertMemberCommon.ConvertRefactoring`2.IterateDeclarations(IProgressIndicator pi, Action`3 action)
 at JetBrains.ReSharper.Refactorings.Convert.ConvertMemberCommon.ConvertRefactoring`2.Execute(IProgressIndicator pi)
 at JetBrains.ReSharper.Feature.Services.Refactorings.DrivenRefactoringConflictSearcher.<>c__DisplayClass2_1.<SearchConflicts>b__0()
 at JetBrains.ReSharper.Psi.Transactions.PsiTransactionCookie.ExecuteConditionally(IPsiServices psiServices, Func`1 action, String commandName)
 at JetBrains.ReSharper.Feature.Services.Refactorings.DrivenRefactoringConflictSearcher.SearchConflicts(IProgressIndicator pi, Boolean canPerformRefactoring)
 at JetBrains.ReSharper.Feature.Services.Refactorings.WorkflowExecuter.<>c__DisplayClass42_0.<InitPage>b__0(IProgressIndicator pi)
 at JetBrains.ReSharper.Feature.Services.Refactorings.FunctionWrapper`1.ExecuteAction(IProgressIndicator pi)

— Outer —

— EXCEPTION #2/2 [LoggerException]
Message = “Object reference not set to an instance of an object.”
ExceptionPath = Root
ClassName = JetBrains.Util.LoggerException
Data.ManagedThreadName = <NULL>
Data.LastExtension = cs
Data.SccRevisionShell = “<there are no packages matching the criteria>”
Data.HostProductInfo = “JetBrains ReSharper Ultimate 2018.1 EAP 4 D Build 112.0.20180322.104208-eap04d”
Data.SubProducts.#0 = “JetBrains dotCover 2018.1 EAP 4 D Build 2018.1.20180322.111944-eap04d”
Data.SubProducts.#1 = “JetBrains dotTrace 2018.1 EAP 4 D Build 2018.1.20180322.112018-eap04d”
Data.SubProducts.#2 = “JetBrains ReSharper C++ 2018.1 EAP 4 D Build 2018.1.20180322.122542-eap04d”
Data.SubProducts.#3 = “JetBrains TeamCity Add-in 2018.1 EAP 4 D Build 2018.1.20180322.105304-eap04d”
Data.SubProducts.#4 = “JetBrains ReSharper 2018.1 EAP 4 D Build 2018.1.20180322.105258-eap04d”
Data.SubProducts.#5 = “JetBrains dotMemory 2018.1 EAP 4 D Build 2018.1.20180322.111934-eap04d”
Data.SccRevisionEnv = “

Data.VsVersion = 15.6.27428.2015
InnerException = “Exception #1 at Root.InnerException”
HResult = COR_E_APPLICATION=80131600
StackTraceString = “
 at JetBrains.ReSharper.Feature.Services.Refactorings.FunctionWrapper`1.ExecuteAction(IProgressIndicator pi)
 at JetBrains.ReSharper.Feature.Services.Refactorings.FunctionWrapper`1.ExecuteAction(IProgressIndicator pi)
 at JetBrains.UI.SrcView.Progress.UITaskExecutorRun.RunStartTaskCallTaskAction(IProperty`1 isDone, ProgressIndicator progressIndicator, TaskThreadAffinity taskThreadAffinity, Action`1 FTask, JetDispatcher dispatcherPrimary)
 at JetBrains.UI.SrcView.Progress.UITaskExecutorRun.RunCore(TaskThreadAffinity taskThreadAffinity, Action`1 FTask, Func`3 FAttachUi, ProgressIndicator progressIndicator, IWin32Window parentWindow, IThreading threading, WorkerThreadShop workerThreadShop, Boolean enforceModalityState)
 at JetBrains.UI.SrcView.Progress.UITaskExecutorRun.Run(TaskThreadAffinity taskThreadAffinity, Action`1 task, Func`3 FAttachUi, ProgressIndicator indicator, IWin32Window parentWindow, IThreading threading, WorkerThreadShop workerThreadShop, Boolean enforceModalityState)
 at JetBrains.PsiFeatures.UIInteractive.Refactorings.RefactoringsTaskExecutor.JetBrains.Application.Progress.ITaskExecutor.ExecuteTask(String name, TaskCancelable cancelable, Action`1 task)
 at JetBrains.ReSharper.Feature.Services.Refactorings.WorkflowExecuter.RunWithProgress[TResult](Func`2 action, String taskName, TResult& result)
 at JetBrains.ReSharper.Feature.Services.Refactorings.WorkflowExecuter.InitPage(IRefactoringPage page)
 at JetBrains.ReSharper.Feature.Services.Refactorings.WorkflowExecuter.NextPage(IRefactoringPage currentPage)
 at JetBrains.ReSharper.Feature.Services.Refactorings.WorkflowExecuter.MoveToNextPage()
 at JetBrains.PsiFeatures.UIInteractive.Refactorings.CommonUI.WorkflowHostWithWizardForm.<NextClick>b__18_0()
 at JetBrains.Threading.ReentrancyGuard.Execute(String name, Action action)
 at JetBrains.Threading.ReentrancyGuard.ExecuteOrQueue(String name, Action action, TaskPriority priority)
 at JetBrains.PsiFeatures.UIInteractive.Refactorings.CommonUI.WorkflowHostWithWizardForm.NextClick(Object sender, EventArgs e)
 at JetBrains.PsiFeatures.UIInteractive.Refactorings.CommonUI.RefactoringWizardForm.myContinueButton_Click(Object sender, EventArgs e)
 at System.Windows.Forms.Control.OnClick(EventArgs e)
 at System.Windows.Forms.Button.OnClick(EventArgs e)
 at System.Windows.Forms.Button.OnMouseUp(MouseEventArgs mevent)
 at System.Windows.Forms.Control.WmMouseUp(Message& m, MouseButtons button, Int32 clicks)
 at System.Windows.Forms.Control.WndProc(Message& m)
 at System.Windows.Forms.ButtonBase.WndProc(Message& m)
 at System.Windows.Forms.Button.WndProc(Message& m)
 at System.Windows.Forms.Control.ControlNativeWindow.OnMessage(Message& m)
 at System.Windows.Forms.Control.ControlNativeWindow.WndProc(Message& m)
 at System.Windows.Forms.NativeWindow.DebuggableCallback(IntPtr hWnd, Int32 msg, IntPtr wparam, IntPtr lparam)

RSRP-469232: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.

Reporter Lilia Shamsutdinova (Lilia.Shamsutdinova) Lilia Shamsutdinova (Lilia.Shamsutdinova)
Created Apr 12, 2018 11:01:36 AM
Updated Apr 18, 2018 12:11:41 PM
Subsystem Refactorings
Assignee Alisa Afonina (alisa.afonina)
Priority Show-stopper
State Fixed In Branch
Type Exception
Fix version 2018.2
Affected versions 2018.2
Fixed In Version ReSharper Undefined
VsVersion All Versions
ReSharperPlatformVs15 Wave 182 Hive _3f3919c0 — JetBrains ReSharper Ultimate 2018.2 EAP 0 D Build 182.0.20180410.75333-eap00d

JetBrains ReSharper 2018.2 EAP 0 D Build 2018.2.20180410.101002-eap00d
JetBrains ReSharper C++ 2018.2 EAP 0 D Build 2018.2.20180410.100959-eap00d
JetBrains TeamCity Add-in 2018.2 EAP 0 D Build 2018.2.20180410.100958-eap00d

SubProducts.0 = JetBrains ReSharper C++ 2018.2 EAP 0 D Build 2018.2.20180410.100959-eap00d
SubProducts.1 = JetBrains TeamCity Add-in 2018.2 EAP 0 D Build 2018.2.20180410.100958-eap00d
SubProducts.2 = JetBrains ReSharper 2018.2 EAP 0 D Build 2018.2.20180410.101002-eap00d

Object reference not set to an instance of an object.

— EXCEPTION #1/2 [NullReferenceException]
Message = “Object reference not set to an instance of an object.”
ExceptionPath = Root.InnerException
ClassName = System.NullReferenceException
Source = JetBrains.ReSharper.Refactorings.CSharp
StackTraceString = “
 at JetBrains.ReSharper.Refactorings.CSharp.Indexer2Function.CsIndexer2Function.AreEquals(String name1, String name2)
 at JetBrains.ReSharper.Refactorings.CSharp.Indexer2Function.CsIndexer2Function.AreEquals(String name1, String name2)
 at JetBrains.ReSharper.Refactorings.CSharp.Indexer2Function.CsIndexer2Function.CheckConflictWithClassName(ITypeElement element)
 at JetBrains.ReSharper.Refactorings.Convert.ConvertMemberCommon.ConvertBase`2.SearchConflicts(IDeclaredElement convertedDeclaredElement, IProgressIndicator pi)
 at JetBrains.ReSharper.Refactorings.Convert.ConvertMemberCommon.ConvertRefactoring`2.SearchConflictInDeclaration(IConvertRefactoring exec, IOverridableMember member, IProgressIndicator pi)
 at JetBrains.ReSharper.Refactorings.Convert.ConvertMemberCommon.ConvertRefactoring`2.IterateDeclarations(IProgressIndicator pi, Action`3 action)
 at JetBrains.ReSharper.Refactorings.Convert.ConvertMemberCommon.ConvertRefactoring`2.Execute(IProgressIndicator pi)
 at JetBrains.ReSharper.Feature.Services.Refactorings.DrivenRefactoringConflictSearcher.<>c__DisplayClass2_1.<SearchConflicts>b__0()
 at JetBrains.ReSharper.Psi.Transactions.PsiTransactionCookie.ExecuteConditionally(IPsiServices psiServices, Func`1 action, String commandName)
 at JetBrains.ReSharper.Feature.Services.Refactorings.DrivenRefactoringConflictSearcher.SearchConflicts(IProgressIndicator pi, Boolean canPerformRefactoring)
 at JetBrains.ReSharper.Feature.Services.Refactorings.WorkflowExecuter.<>c__DisplayClass42_0.<InitPage>b__0(IProgressIndicator pi)
 at JetBrains.ReSharper.Feature.Services.Refactorings.FunctionWrapper`1.ExecuteAction(IProgressIndicator pi)

— Outer —

— EXCEPTION #2/2 [LoggerException]
Message = “Object reference not set to an instance of an object.”
ExceptionPath = Root
ClassName = JetBrains.Util.LoggerException
Data.ManagedThreadName = <NULL>
Data.LastExtension = cs
Data.SccRevisionShell = “<there are no packages matching the criteria>”
Data.HostProductInfo = “JetBrains ReSharper Ultimate 2018.2 EAP 0 D Build 182.0.20180410.75333-eap00d”
Data.SubProducts.#0 = “JetBrains ReSharper C++ 2018.2 EAP 0 D Build 2018.2.20180410.100959-eap00d”
Data.SubProducts.#1 = “JetBrains TeamCity Add-in 2018.2 EAP 0 D Build 2018.2.20180410.100958-eap00d”
Data.SubProducts.#2 = “JetBrains ReSharper 2018.2 EAP 0 D Build 2018.2.20180410.101002-eap00d”
Data.SccRevisionEnv = “

Data.VsVersion = 15.6.27428.2037
InnerException = “Exception #1 at Root.InnerException”
HResult = COR_E_APPLICATION=80131600
StackTraceString = “
 at JetBrains.ReSharper.Feature.Services.Refactorings.FunctionWrapper`1.ExecuteAction(IProgressIndicator pi)
 at JetBrains.ReSharper.Feature.Services.Refactorings.FunctionWrapper`1.ExecuteAction(IProgressIndicator pi)
 at JetBrains.UI.SrcView.Progress.UITaskExecutorRun.RunStartTaskCallTaskAction(IProperty`1 isDone, ProgressIndicator progressIndicator, TaskThreadAffinity taskThreadAffinity, Action`1 FTask, JetDispatcher dispatcherPrimary)
 at JetBrains.UI.SrcView.Progress.UITaskExecutorRun.RunCore(TaskThreadAffinity taskThreadAffinity, Action`1 FTask, Func`3 FAttachUi, ProgressIndicator progressIndicator, IWin32Window parentWindow, IThreading threading, WorkerThreadShop workerThreadShop, Boolean enforceModalityState)
 at JetBrains.UI.SrcView.Progress.UITaskExecutorRun.Run(TaskThreadAffinity taskThreadAffinity, Action`1 task, Func`3 FAttachUi, ProgressIndicator indicator, IWin32Window parentWindow, IThreading threading, WorkerThreadShop workerThreadShop, Boolean enforceModalityState)
 at JetBrains.PsiFeatures.UIInteractive.Refactorings.RefactoringsTaskExecutor.JetBrains.Application.Progress.ITaskExecutor.ExecuteTask(String name, TaskCancelable cancelable, Action`1 task)
 at JetBrains.ReSharper.Feature.Services.Refactorings.WorkflowExecuter.RunWithProgress[TResult](Func`2 action, String taskName, TResult& result)
 at JetBrains.ReSharper.Feature.Services.Refactorings.WorkflowExecuter.InitPage(IRefactoringPage page)
 at JetBrains.ReSharper.Feature.Services.Refactorings.WorkflowExecuter.NextPage(IRefactoringPage currentPage)
 at JetBrains.ReSharper.Feature.Services.Refactorings.WorkflowExecuter.MoveToNextPage()
 at JetBrains.PsiFeatures.UIInteractive.Refactorings.CommonUI.WorkflowHostWithWizardForm.<NextClick>b__18_0()
 at JetBrains.Threading.ReentrancyGuard.Execute(String name, Action action)
 at JetBrains.Threading.ReentrancyGuard.ExecuteOrQueue(String name, Action action, TaskPriority priority)
 at JetBrains.PsiFeatures.UIInteractive.Refactorings.CommonUI.WorkflowHostWithWizardForm.NextClick(Object sender, EventArgs e)
 at JetBrains.PsiFeatures.UIInteractive.Refactorings.CommonUI.RefactoringWizardForm.myContinueButton_Click(Object sender, EventArgs e)
 at System.Windows.Forms.Control.OnClick(EventArgs e)
 at System.Windows.Forms.Button.OnClick(EventArgs e)
 at System.Windows.Forms.Button.OnMouseUp(MouseEventArgs mevent)
 at System.Windows.Forms.Control.WmMouseUp(Message& m, MouseButtons button, Int32 clicks)
 at System.Windows.Forms.Control.WndProc(Message& m)
 at System.Windows.Forms.ButtonBase.WndProc(Message& m)
 at System.Windows.Forms.Button.WndProc(Message& m)
 at System.Windows.Forms.Control.ControlNativeWindow.OnMessage(Message& m)
 at System.Windows.Forms.Control.ControlNativeWindow.WndProc(Message& m)
 at System.Windows.Forms.NativeWindow.DebuggableCallback(IntPtr hWnd, Int32 msg, IntPtr wparam, IntPtr lparam)

RSRP-469307: StyleCop override should show rule that overrides resharper value

Reporter Marcin Smółka (msmolka) Marcin Smółka (msmolka)
Created Apr 18, 2018 12:14:54 PM
Updated Apr 18, 2018 12:14:54 PM
Subsystem Code Style - Formatter
Assignee Dmitry Osinovsky (Dmitry.Osinovsky)
Priority Normal
State Submitted
Type Bug
Fix version No Fix versions
Affected versions 2018.1
Fixed In Version ReSharper Undefined
VsVersion VS 2017 15.3

Currently when enabled StyleCop rules there is no easy way (or any) to find out which rule overrides resharper one.
Even marked as yellow still causing more confusion than help. If StyleCop overrides something with the same value, there is no need to show it in different color, because in that case user cannot easily find where something is different between resharper and stylecop.
Also there is no easy way to find out which rule changes resharper rule.

E.g. I don't have any rule related to " ? " ternary in stylecop file. However resharper removes spaces around this. Which rule is responsible for that. I'm using both stylecop analyzers and resharper stylecop plugin. None of them ever reported issue around this " ? " spacing. So from where resharper overrides that rule?

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